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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 1080   View pdf image (33K)
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establishing special provisions regarding certain particular local jurisdiction
housing authorities; empowering an Indian tribe to establish a housing authority
and providing that the Department of Housing and Community Development or a
local jurisdiction housing authority may act on behalf of Indians; providing for the
exemption of real property of a housing authority or of a nonprofit housing
corporation from levy and execution; establishing certain rules of applicability and
construction; altering and enacting certain provisions relating to the Housing
Authority of the City of Annapolis; granting certain powers to the Housing
Authority; restricting certain activities of certain persons; requiring public notice
of certain meetings, with certain exceptions; requiring that meetings of the
Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis be open meetings, with certain
exceptions; prohibiting certain payments and awards without prior approval;
authorizing recovery of certain expenditures in violation of this Act; authorizing
regulation of certain procurements; requiring certain notices, meetings, and
availability of certain proposed budgets; providing that certain persons are to be
treated as local officials for certain purposes related to public ethics laws;
providing that this Act does not affect the terms of incumbent commissioners;
providing for the continutiy of the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis;
and generally relating to the repeal of existing provisions of the Housing
Authorities Law and the Housing Cooperation Law and the reenactment of
provisions relating to housing authorities.

BY repealing

Article 44A - Housing Authorities

Section 1 through 33, inclusive

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1986 Replacement Volume and 1989 Supplement)

BY repealing

Article 44B - Housing Cooperation Law

In its entirety

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1986 Replacement Volume and 1989 Supplement)

BY adding to

Article 44A - Housing Authorities

Section 1-101 through 1-106, inclusive, to be under the new title "Title 1.
Housing Authorities in General" and the new subtitle "Subtitle 1.
Definitions; General Provisions"; 1-201 through 1-212, inclusive, to be
under the new subtitle "Subtitle 2. Establishment and Operation of an
Authority"; 1-301 through 1-305, inclusive, to be under the new subtitle
"Subtitle 3. Powers of an Authority and Public Bodies Dealing with an
Authority"; 1-401 through 1-405, inclusive, to be under the new subtitle
"Subtitle 4. Responsibilities of an Authority"; 1-501 through 1-504,
inclusive, to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 5. Bonds and Other
Obligations of an Authority"; 1-601 through 1-607, inclusive, to be under

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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 1080   View pdf image (33K)
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