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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 1079   View pdf image (33K)
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(4) The deputy State's Attorney and the assistant State's Attorneys shall
serve at the pleasure of the State's Attorney. Under the direction of the State's
Attorney or in the absence of the State's Attorney, the deputy State's Attorney and the
assistant State's Attorneys shall perform acts and duties in relation to all criminal
proceedings, all having the same legal powers as the State's Attorney, to represent the
State in all proceedings in relation to grand jury, circuit court, the District Court,
boards, commissions or agencies of this State or any county or political subdivision.

(5) The State's Attorney may not engage in the private practice of law at
any time in any jurisdiction during his tenure of office.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, pursuant to Article III,
Section 35 of the Constitution of Maryland, this Act may not be construed to extend or
apply to the salary or compensation of the State's Attorney for Washington County in
office on the effective date of this Act, but the provisions of this Act concerning the
salary or compensation of the State's Attorney for Washington County shall take effect
at the beginning of the next following term of office.

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1990.

Approved May 2, 1990.

(House Bill 475)

AN ACT concerning

Housing Authorities - Housing Cooperation Law

FOR the purpose of repealing the existing provisions of the Housing Authorities Law
and the Housing Cooperation Law in Articles 44A and 44B of the Code and
reenacting them, with modifications, into Article 44A entitled Housing
Authorities; establishing certain definitions, declarations and findings, and
general provisions; establishing certain requirements for the creation and
operation of housing authorities; providing for the appointment and terms of
commissioners to a housing authority and the conduct of business; specifying the
general powers of a housing authority; authorizing a housing authority to acquire
real property by eminent domain under certain conditions; authorizing State
public bodies to exercise certain powers in dealing with housing authorities;
establishing responsibilities of a housing authority; empowering a housing
authority to issue bonds and establishing certain provisions with respect to the
issuance of bonds; providing for certain rights and remedies of an obligee of a
housing authority or conferrable upon an obligee by an authority; establishing
certain provisions and powers of a housing authority with respect to housing for
military personnel; establishing certain provisions with respect to the United
States government's project in Prince George's County known as Greenbelt;

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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 1079   View pdf image (33K)
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