A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
281. [MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of Assembly, to compleat Bacon's Laws to this time.
Annapolis: Printed by Anne Catharine Green, 1768.]
Evans, No. 10953, gives thiss title out does not locate a copy. On Dec. 8, 1768, the following advertisement
appeared in the Maryland Gazette: "A few Acts of Assembly, to compleat Bacon's Laws, to this Time, may be
had at the Printing-Office, if applied for soon." The above title must have been taken from this advertisement,
which doubtless did not refer to a single book, a compilation of the laws since 1763, but to sets of annual session
laws remaining in the printer's stock and now offered for sale. The signatures and pagination of these issues ran
in continuation of those of Bacon's Laws, so that they might well have been said to bring that compilation up
to date, but there is no evidence that they were issued as compiled laws with a title-page as given above.
282. —Laws | of | Maryland,] made and passed | at a | Session of Assembly,] begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, on Tuesday the | Twenty-fourth Day of May, in the Eight-
eenth Year of the Do-| minion of the Right Honourable Frederick, Absolute | Lord and
Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and | Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore, &c. and
ended the | Twenty-second Day of June, Anno Domini, 1768.] Published by Authority.|
[Provincial arms, T. Sparrow, sculp.] Annapolis:| Printed by Anne Catharine Green,
Printer to the Province.| [1768].
Fol. I preliminary leaf, Mmmmm-Zzzzz2, 6A1; 26 leaves; pages unnumbered; preliminary leaf: title,-verso
blank; Mmmmmi recto-6A1 verso: text, with session heading and running heads; 6A1 verso: contents.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 8 1/3 inches. Type page, p. Mmmmm I verso: 270 x 143 mm.
No copy of the V. & P. for this Session has been recorded.
MdHS. MDioc. MDSL. NYPL. LC. (imp.) SLM.
283. [The Maryland Almanack, For the Year 1769, Containing many instructive and en-
tertaining Pieces, both in Prose and Verse; together with Receipts for the Cure of different
Disorders incident to this climate, &c. Annapolis: Printed by Anne Catharine and William
Green. 1768.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in the Maryland Gazette for Oct. 13, 1768, as "Now in the Press," and in the
"Supplement to the Maryland Gazette" for October 20, 1768, as "Just Published." The advertisement as given
above has the following addition: "We have added a Sheet extraordinary this Year, for the Benefit of our Cus-
tomers only, as we shall dispose of them at the usual Price of 55. per Dozen, or 8 Coppers single."
284. The | Maryland Gazette.| (Jan. 7-Dec. 29,1768, Nos. 1165-1216; beginning with Aug.
25th, change in heading from XXIIld to XXIVth Year.) [Colophon as in numbers 1156 to
1164 of 1767, except that beginning Jan. 7, 1768, the printers were Anne Catherine and
William Green, and beginning Jan. 28, Mrs. Green altered the spelling of her middle name
"Catherine" to "Catharine."]
14 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches; three columns; two leaves each number except Nos. 1166 and 1215 which have one each.
Nos. 1184 and 1186 have "Supplement" of one leaf each. No. 1206 has a "Supplement" of two leaves.
See Plate Xb for arrangement of title.
MDSL. (complete). MdHS. (scattered issues).
285. To His Excellency | Horatio Sharpe, Esq;| Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Province of Maryland, and, | to the Honourable the | Upper and Lower Houses of
Assembly | of the said Province :| The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of Baltimore
County,| Humbly Sheweth,| ..... [Baltimore: Printed by Nicholas Hasselbach. 1768.]?
Fol. 2 leaves; p. [i]: petition, with heading as above; pp. [2,3 and 4]: blank, for signatures; ornamental initial.
Leaf measures: 17 1/4 x 11 1/3 inches.
Concerns the removal of county seat from Joppa to Baltimore Town. A ms. affidavit attached to one of the
several copies with signatures in the Maryland Historical Society asserts that these petitions had been posted
at certain places named between Jan. 11 and Jan. 25, 1768. For a discussion of the possibilities of this, and the
two following broadsides, having been printed by Hasselbach, see foregoing narrative, Chapter Nine.