Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
286. To His Excellency | Horatio Sharpe, Esquire,] Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Province of Maryland: and,| to the Honourable the | Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly of the said Province:] The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of
Baltimore County,] Humbly Sheweth,| ..... [Baltimore: Printed by Nicholas Hassel-
bach. 1768]?
Broadside. 20 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches.
Another form of the petition relating to the removal of the Court house from Joppa to Baltimore Town. See
foregoing narrative, Chapter Nine.
287. To His Excellency | Horatio Sharpe, Esquire,] Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Province of Maryland,| and, |to the Honorable the | Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly | of the said Province:| The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants
of Baltimore County,| Humbly Sheweth,| ..... [Second heading in German, as follows:]
An Seine Excellenz | Horatio Scharpe, Esqueir,| Guvernoer und Oberst-Befehlshaber in
und ueber die Provinz Maryland,| und | an die Groszachtbaren | Obere und Untere Haeuser
der Assembly | der besagten Provinz:| Die Bittschrift der Unterschriebenen, Einwohner
von Baltimore County,] Welche demuethig anzeiget,| ..... [Baltimore: Printed by Nich-
olas Hasselbach. 1768]?
Fol. 2 leaves; p. [1-2]: petition with headings as above and text in English and German; part of p. [2] and all
of pp. [3 and 4]: blank, for signatures.
Leaf measures: 17 1/4 x 11 inches.
If this petition was printed in Baltimore, it was the first piece of printing done in Maryland in the German
language and type. Thomas says that Hasselbach was equipped to print in German. It is the third form of the
petition for the removal of the court house from Joppa to Baltimore Town. See foregoing narrative, Chapter
288. WoLSTENHOLME, DANIEL. To the | Public.] As Mr. Allen, in two Hand-Bills, which
he has caused to be distributed about the Town, has en-| deavoured to bring me in as a
Principal, in the Affair of a little Skirmish, which happened betwixt | Mr. Walter Dulany,
and himself, on Sunday last, ..... [Concludes with affidavit dated Nov. 9, 1768, sworn to
by Daniel Wolstenholme before Reverdy Ghiselin.] [Annapolis: Printed by Anne Catha-
rine and William Green. 1768.]
Broadside.17 1/4 x 10 5/8 inches.
See Alien's reply above, No. 279.
MdHS. (Gilmor Papers).
289. ANNAPOLIS, (MARYLAND) CITY OF. Annapolis, (in Maryland) June 22,1769.| We, the
Subscribers, his Majesty's loyal | and dutiful Subjects, the Merchants,] Traders, Free-
holders, Mechanics, and other Inhabitants of the Pro-] vince of Maryland, seriously con-
sidering the present State and Condition of | the Province, ..... [Annapolis: Printed by
Anne Catharine and William Green. 1769.]
Fol. 2 leaves; pages [1], 2-3, [4]; p. [4]: blank.
Leaf measures: 14 13/16 x 8 inches. Type page, p. [1]: 294 x 163 mm.
Non-importation agreement, signed by Robert Lloyd, and forty-two others.
290. —Annapolis, May 23, 1769.] Sir,| Yesterday there was a Meeting of a considerable
Num-| ber of the principal Inhabitants of this County, when the | Plan of an Association