Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
73. —Votes and Proceedings,) of the | Lower House of Assembly, of the Province of |
Maryland.] (Aug. 19, prorogued from July 29,-Sept. 6, 1731) [Annapolis: Printed by Wil-
liam Parks. 1731.]
Fol. No signatures, 16 leaves; pp. 1-32: text, with heading as above and session heading of eight lines; tail-
piece. Numbered I-VIII, but is a compilation, not a collection of the separately issued parts.
Leaf measures: 12 1/4 x 7 5/7 inches. Type page, p. 2: 288 x 147 mm.
MDSL. NYPL. (imp.)
74. [The Maryland Gazette (1730/31-1731)].
No issues of the Maryland Gazette remain for the year 1731, but from the sense of the following extracts from
the Vestry Proceedings of St. Anne's Parish, Anne Arundel County, noted in Brigham, American Newspapers,
it is clear that it was continued at least throughout March 1730/31:
"Tuesday March gth, 1730....... Ordered that advertizement be Inserted and Continued in the Maryland
Gazette relating to the parishioners Registring the births, Burialls & Marriages, &c: and that such advertize-
ment be also sat up at the Mills Gate house, Court house and publick houses within this parish and that the
printing such advertizements be paid for by this Vestry."
Again on Jan. 4, 1731/32:
"Mr. Parks produces to this Vestry the following account and prays allowance for the same (Viz)
1730 1 [i. e. 1730/31] March. To an advertizement in the Gazette thrice 0.. 7..
April 3d To Printing separate Advertizements about Registering 0.. 4..
Errors Excepted per Wm. Parks 0.. 11..
Which Acct being read is allowed off and ordered that the Regr draw an order for the same on Mr. John
Beale payable to the said Parks." (Maryland Historical Magazinet 8: 158, 163).
The three issues here referred to would have been those of Mch. 16 and 23, 1730/31 and Mch. 30, 1731. It
is generally believed that soon after this date Parks became so busily engaged with his Williamsburg press that
he allowed his Maryland newspaper to lapse. He asserted in the (Phila.) American Weekly Mercury of July 15,
1731, that he was at this time residing in the Virginia capital. It is possible that the "Gazette" lapsed soon after
the issue of Mch. 30, 1731, and was resumed only with a changed title in Dec. 1732. (See under that year.)
75. [GREW, THEOPHILUS. The Maryland Almanack, for the Year of our Lord God, 1733.
Being the First after Bessextile [sic]. Wherein is contained, the Lunations, Conjunctions,
Eclipses; the Increase, Decrease, and Length of the Days and Nights, with the Rising,
Southing, Setting, and Places of the Heavenly Bodies throughout the Year; the true Sys-
tem of the visible World explain'd; and many other Things both pleasant, useful, and
necessary. Calculated according to Art, and referred to the Horizon of 39 Degrees North
Latitude, and 75 Degrees West Longitude from the famous City of London, fitting the
Province of Maryland, and without sensible Error, Virginia, New-Jersey, Pensylvania
[sic], and New-York. By Theophilus Grew, Student in the Mathematicks. Printed and
Sold by William Parks, and Edmund Hall, at their Printing Office in Maryland. 1732.]
No copy recorded. Advertised as "Just Publish'd" in Parks's Maryland Gazette for Jan. 26-Feb. 2, 1732/3.
76. LEWIS, RICHARD. Carmen Seculare,| for the Year | M,DCC,XXXJI.| [Two lines, Hor. Ode
vi. Lib. iv., Four lines from Bacon, Advanc. of Learn.; Baltimore arms] To the Right Hon-
ourable | Charles,| Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the | Provinces of Maryland, and
Avalon,| Lord Baron of Baltimore, &c.| [Annapolis: Printed by William Parks. 1732.]
Fol. 2 leaves; pages [1-4]: text, with heading as above; p. [4]: I am,| May it please your Lordship,) your most
obcdient,| Most devoted, Humble Servant,) Richard Lewis.| Annapolis,| Nov. 25, 1732 j.
Leaf measures: 14 5/8 x 9 1/2 inches. Type page, p. [1], including heading: 262 x 168 mm.
Poetic address to Charles, Lord Baltimore, on the occasion of his visit to the Province to assume its govern-
ment in person. Reprinted in American Museum for 1789, 6: 413, under title of "A Description of Maryland."
See also note to No. 77.