A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
77. [LEWIS, RICHARD.]? March 1, 1731-2 | A | Rhapsody.) [Four lines quoted, "Tacitus, vel
ut aliis placet Quintil. in Dialogo de Oratoribus."] [Annapolis: Printed by William Parks.
FoL I leaf, printed both sides, with head-piece, tail-piece and heading as above.
Leaf measures: 14! x g\ inches. Type page, p. [1], including head-piece: 277 x 170 mm.
Reflective poem, probably by Richard Lewis, see under 1728. The name of Parks does not appear either on
this sheet or in Lewis's Carmen Seculare of this year, but circumstantial and typographical evidence render rea-
sonably certain the attribution to Parks. A Rhapsody was reprinted in Parks's Maryland Gazette for Feb. 9, 17J2/
33. See foregoing narrative, Chapter Six, for a brief account of Richard Lewis.
78. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland, | enacted | at a Session of Assembly,!
begun and held at the City of | Annapolis, on Tuesday, the Ele-|venth Day of July, in the |
Eighteenth Year of the Domi-| nion of the Right Honourablel Charles, Lord Baron of |
Baltemore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces | of Maryland and Avalon,
&c.| Annoq; Domini 1732. | [Baltimore arms] By Authority.} Annapolis:| Printed and Sold
by William Parks, and Edmund Hall, M,DCC,XXXII.| Price Two Shillings to those who
bought the whole Body of Laws,| and Two Shillings and Six Pence to others. |
Sm. fol. [A]-M2; 24 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-43, [44], should be, I-U6], pp. 37 and 38 repeated; p. [i]: title; pp.
1-43 [45]: text, session heading.
Leaf measures: 11 7/16 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 243 x 137 mm.
79. —The | Speech | of His Excellency | Samuel Ogle,| Governor and Commander in Chief,
in and | over the Province of Maryland, to | both Houses of Assembly: at a Session,] begun
and held at the City of Annapolis, | ou[sic] Tuesday, the Eleventh Day of July, in | the Eight-
eenth Year of the Dominion of | the Right Honourable Charles, Lord | Baron of Balte-
more, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland | and Avalon, &c.
Annoq; Dom' 1732. | [Baltimore arms] By Authority.| Annapolis:| Printed by William
Parks and Edmund Hall. M,DCC,XXXII.|
Fol. No signatures or pagination; 4 leaves; p. [1]: title; pp. [3-4]: head-piece and heading, "The Speech of
His Excellency", etc; pp. [5-6]: address of Upper House; pp. [7-8]: address of Lower House.
Leaf measures: 12 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches. Type page, p. A 2 recto, including head-piece: 246 x 136 mm.
80. —Votes and Proceedings,] of the | Lower House of Assembly of the Province of | Mary-
land.] (July 11-Aug. 8, 1732). [Annapolis: Printed by William Parks and Edmund Hall.
Fol. No signatures; pages 1-57, [58]: text, with heading as above and session heading of seven lines; Nos. 1
and 2: pp. 1-4; Nos. 3 and [4]: pp. 5-8; Nos. 5, 6 and 7: pp. 9-12, (p. 9, misprinted 5); Nos. 8 and 9: pp. 13-16;
Nos. 10and n: pp. 17-20; Nos. 12 and 13: pp. 21-24; No. 14: pp. 25 and 26; No. 15: pp. 27-30; Nos. 16 and 17:
pp. 31-34; No. 18: pp. 35-38; Nos. 19 and 20: pp. 39-42; Nos. 21, 22,23,24 and [25]: pp. 43-57.
Leaf measures: I2 3/5 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 265 x 137 mm,
MDioc, MDSL.
81. [The Maryland Gazette Reviv'd. Dec. 5-Dec. 26, 1732, Nos. 1-4. Annapolis: Printed
by William Parks and Edmund Hall.]
No issues of this year have been located, but the issue of Feb. 2, 1732/33, has title and imprint as above and
is No. 9. It is probable that with Edmund Hall as a partner, Parks found himself able to resume his Maryland
newspaper. Sometime between Apr. 20 and Dec. 28, 1733, Nos. 19 and 51, Parks again became sole publisher.
Sec under 1733.