A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Amended.) By E. Cooke, Gent.| Let Criticks that shall discommend it,| ..... mend it.|
[Type device] Annapolis:] Printed in the Year M,DCC,XXXI.|
Fol. [A]1, B-G2, [H]1; 14 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-25, [26]; p. [i]: title, as above,-verso: "To the Author" (twenty-
four lines of verse, three stanzas of 6, 8 and lo lines respectively, see note below); pp. 1-16: text of "Bacon's Re-
bellion", with head-piece and running heads; pp. 17-25: text of "The Sotweed Factor", with head and tail pieces,
running heads; p. 25, beneath type device: "N. B. The Author of these Poems intending to publish his Works
annually, under the same Title, hopes The Second Part (when ready for the Press) will meet with the like En-
couragement from his Friends and Benefactors."; type device at end same as on title page; text of poems in
double column throughout.
Leaf measures: 12 1/5 x 7 5/6 inches. Type page, p. 9: 260 x 169 mm.
No record remains of any copies of a first or second edition of The Maryland Muse, nor of any edition of "the
second part" proposed by the author in his note on p. 25. "The Sotweed Factor" had been published first in Lon-
don in 1708, but not in combination with "The History of... Bacon's Rebellion." Mr. Wilberforce Eames thinks
that the words "Third Edition" as used on the title-page refer only to the poem "The Sotweed Factor." If this be
true, there is no need to look further for earlier editions of the collection, The Maryland Muse, but only for a
second edition of "The Sotweed Factor," published sometime between 1708 and 1731.
The twenty-four lines of verse on the verso of the title-page, initialed "H. J.", begin: Old Poet,| As you may
remember, | You told me sometime in September | Your pleasant Muse was idly sitting,), and continue with the
information that "H. J." was sending to Cooke "an old, authentick Book", never before printed, for him to put
into "Doggrel Verse". This, as appears later, was the "old Ms." of Bacon's Rebellion referred to in the title.
Who was its author, and who was "H. J." who wrote this pleasant address, adjuring our poet to "Cook this
Bacon"? For a description of "The Sotweed Factor", see foregoing narrative, Chapter Six. The London edition
was reprinted in Shea's Early Southern Tracts, No. II, 1866, with introduction by Brantz Mayer, and in Early
Maryland Poetry, (Maryland Historical Society Fund Publications No. 36, Baltimore. 1900), edited by Bernard
C. Steiner, with notes and photographic reproduction of the title-page.
See Plate V for a photographic reproduction of the title-page of The Maryland Muse.
BM. (press mark, 11686.1).
71. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland,! enacted | at a Session of Assembly,!
begun and held at the City of | Annapolis, on Tuesday the Thir-| teenth Day of July, in
the Se-| venteenth Year of the Domi-| nion of the Right Honourable | Charles, Lord Baron
of | Baltemore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces | of Maryland and Avalon,
&c.| Annoq; Domini 1731.| [Baltimore arms] By Au thority. | Annapolis :| Printed and Sold
by William Parks, M,DCC,XXXI. Price | Two Shillings, to those who bought the whole Body
of Laws, and | Two Shillings and Six Pence to others.]
Sm. fol. [AJ-B2; 4 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-6; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-6: text, with session heading.
Leaf measures: 11 7/16 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 249 x 137 mm.
The dates of this session were July 13-29, 1731. The printing of the V. & P. was not provided for by the cus-
tomary resolution.
MdHS. MDioc. BBL. (dup.) MDSL. Pleasants. LC. NYBA. NYSL. HU. HLS. BM.
72. —Laws of Maryland, | enacted | at a Session of Assembly,| begun and held at the City
of | Annapolis, on Thursday the Nine-| teenth Day of August, in the Se-| venteenth Year
of the Domi-| nion of the Right Honourable | Charles, Lord Baron of | Baltemore, Abso-
lute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces | of Maryland and Avalon, &c.| Annoq;
Domini 1731.| [Baltimore arms] By Authority. | Annapolis:| Printed by William Parks,
Sm. fol. [AJ-I2, (omitting B and C); 14 leaves; pages [1-2], 3-27, [28]; p. [i]: title; pp. 3-27: text, with session
heading; p. 25 is wrongly numbered 21, which is repeated.
Leaf measures: 11 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 5: 252 x 136 mm.
MdHS. MDioc. BBL. (dup.) Pleasants. MDSL. LC. NYBA. HU. HLS. BM.