INDEX. 461
fine the duties of the State Librarian ; read a first,
second and third time, and passed, 192 ; returned
from Senate passed, 307.
Order, that the, furnish the clerks of the Circuit
court of Montgomery county, with twenty printed
copies of the election laws of this State for distri-
bution, &c., adopted, 280.
Joint resolution appointing a committee to su-
perintend the making of a catalogue of the books
and documents of the State Library, &c., and re-
port at the next session, read a first time, 341;
read a third time, and passed, and committee ap-
pointed, 353 ; returned from Senate passed, 362.
Senate resolution authorizing the select com-
mittee on, to deliver duplicate copies of books in
State Library to the clerks of the courts in the
State, for the use of the Academies and public
Libraries of the State; read a first and second
time, and laid on the table. 362.
STATE HOUSE—Leave granted a special committee to bring
in a bill to provide for the appointment of keeper
of the furnace of the new record office at Annap-
olis, and of the chief an assistant engineers in
charge of the heating apparatus attached to the,
53; committee appointed, 182.
TAYLOR, J. G.—Memorial of, referred to next General
Assembly, 25.
THOMPSON, JAMES H.—Petition of to be paid for pub-
lishing Brigade orders in Centreville Times, re-
ferred to next General Assembly.
TILGHMAN, TENCH, 96—See Military A/am.
TREASURER, STATE—See Comptroller,