462 INDEX.
TALBOT COUNTY—Leave granted, delegation from to in-
troduce a bill authorising the Commissioners of,
to make an appropriation to purchase arms for the
county, 14.
Resolution requesting the Governor to direct
the Adjutant General to furnish the Trappe Ca-
dets' of, with thirty muskets, &c., read a first
time, 72.
Senate bill to amend the 151st and 154th sec-
tions, relating to the schools of Talbot county, of
article 20th of the code of Public Local Laws, and
to add new sections thereto, referred to delegation
from, 74; favorable report, 81 ; read a second
and a third time by special order and passed, 82.
Petition of citizens of, with reference to Lewis
Tarr and Nicholas Plummer, gunning in Sink
boats on the waters of Miles River, referred to,
Leave granted delegation from, to indroduce a
bill to amend the public School Law of, 163.
Leave granted Committee on Military Affairs
to bring in a bill to provide for the repayment of
money expended by, for the purpose of repairing
and cleaning the arms deposited in the State Ar-
mory at Easton, 171.
Leave granted delegation from, to report a bill
to amend article 20 of the code of Public Local Laws,
relating to Jurors in, 245 ; bill reported and pass-
ed, 256 ; returned from Senate passed, 277.
Petition of citizens of, with reference to a vio-
lation of private rights by Federal troops under
the order of Gov. Hicks, seizing arms at Easton,
referred to select committee on that subject, 301.
Order, that the committee have power to send
for persons and papers and examine witnesses,
adopted, 345.
TOBACCO WAREHOUSES—Leave granted select commit-
tee to bring in a bill to repeal an act to provide for
disposal of the State's Tobacco Warehouses, pass-
ed session of 1860, chap. 225,168 ; bill reported
and read a first, second and third time and pass-
ed 187 ; returned from Senate passed, 218.