460 INDEX.
Order, that the thanks of the House be tendered
to, adopted, 149.
Order that the Speaker appoint a committee of
three to ascertain what number of officers are in
the employ of the House, and what number, (if
any,) can be dispensed with, adopted, 154.
Order, that the Speaker forward one copy of the
report by the committee on Federal Relations,
with the preamble and resolutions to each of the
Governors of the slave and free States, adopted.
The, laid before the House an invitation from
H. Winchester to the members of the Legislature
to attend a musical entertainment at the Freder-
ick Female Seminary, accepting, 201.
Protest of Messrs. Ford and Morgan against the
decision of the Speaker upon the mode of passing
Senate amendments to a House Bill, received,
Order, that the Speaker appoint on the 25th
inst., three committee clerks, one folder and two
pages to the House, and that the present officers
be discharged, adopted, 311 ; officers appointed,
STATE LIBRARIAN—Order, that the, be requested to
furnish each newly elected member with a copy of
the Maryland Code, adopted, 42.
Order, that the State Librarian be requested to
make or cause to be made an inventory of all the
books, maps, documents, stationery and furniture
of the State Library, which came into his hands
on assuming the duties of said office, and report
to the House at the earliest practicable moment
the condition thereof, and all other matters which
may be deemed advisable for the better regulation
and preservation of the same, adopted, 106.
Order, that the, be instructed to take charge of
all writing material, &c., which the members
leave in the House, and to hold it in readiness for
the next meeting, adopted, 137.
Bill reported by select committee to futher de-