456 INDEX.
Davis, and the Governors of Pennsylvania and
Virginia to endeavor to arrest civil war, &c.; re-
ferred to committee on Federal Relations, 110 ;
report thereon, 139.
Resolutions declaring the delegates from Balti-
more city legally elected, adopted, 135
Offered by Mr. Chaplain instructing the
Senators in Congress from Maryland, to vote for
an immediate recognition of the Confederate
States; read a first time, 172; resolutions con-
sidered, 203; read a second time, and rejected,
220 ; re-considered, 220; amended, 221; passed,
222 ; returned from Senate passed, 313.
Preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. Den-
nis, of Somerset, protesting against the unconsti-
tutional acts of the President of the United States ;
read a first time, 201 ; read a second time, 222 ;
amendment rejected, 223; amended, read a second
time, and passed, 294-9 ; absentees votes record-
ed, 301; returned from Senate passed, 313.
Resolutions offered by Mr. Wallis protesting
against the illegal arrest of Ross Winans and
other citizens, and against the tyrannical exer-
cise of military jurisdiction within this State, by
the Federal Government, &c., and requesting our
Senators in Congress, to lay the resolutions before
the United States Senate ; read the first time,
229 ; considered, 244 ; futher considered, 253,
262, 279, 286; read a second time, and passed,
292 ; returned from Senate passed, 313.
Resolutions of Mr. Jacobs of Worcester county,
in regard to our Federal Relations ; read a first
time, 249.
Resolutions from the Senate in relation to the
destruction of the property of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company, read the first time; refer-
red to committee on Federal Relations, 251; re-
ported favorably and passed, 276.
Resolutions offered by Mr. Gordon, requiring
our Representatives in Congress to use every means
in their power to prevent any increase of taxation