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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 457


for the purpose of paying the war debt; read the
first time, 291.

Senate resolutions of Mr. McKaig ; referred to
committee on Federal Relations, 313.

Resolutions of Mr. Wallis requesting the Gov-
ernor to return to the Armories of the State the
arms which have been removed by his order and
deposited in Fort McHenry, or placed in the
hands of ununiformed companies, and return to
all regularly organized and uniformed volunteers
the arms reclaimed from them, by his order,
passed, 320.

Resolutions relating to State Library, 341, 353,

Resolutions of Mr. Wallis from the committee
on Federal Relations relating to the action of the
military authorities of the General Government,
iu connection with the Board of Police Commis-
sioners of the city of Baltimore, adopted ; and
25,000 copies of the report thereon ordered to be
printed, 365 ; returned from Senate passed, 381.

Resolutions appointing a committee to superin-
tend the making of a catalogue for the State Li-
brary, &c. ; read the first time, 341 ; passed, 353;
returned from Senate passed, 362.

Resolutions of regret and sympathy upon the an-
nouncement of the death of J. H. W. Standford,
a member of the House from Somerset county,
adopted, 378.


SCHOOLS— See Talbot County and Somerset County.
SEGAFOOSE, WM.—See Carroll County.



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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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