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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 455   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 455


claring valid the acts of the authorities of Balti-
more city on, and after the 19th of April; read
the first time, 20.

Resolutions of Mr. Dennis of Somerset, recom-
mending the calling of a convention of the people
to determine the political condition of the State ;
referred to the committee on Federal Relations,

Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, relative to a restoration of railroad
communication between Baltimore and other ci-
ties, communicated by the Mayor; and referred
to the committee on Federal Relations, 35 ; re-
port thereon adopted, 47 ; and resolution appoint-
ing Commissioner to Washington, passed, 50.

See Committee on Federal Relations.

Resolutions of Mr. Brining, relative to a Con-
vention at Frankfort, Kentucky ; referred to the
committee on Federal Relations, 42.

Resolutions of committee on Federal Relations,
appointing a Commissioner to Virginia, 55;
passed, 62.

Resolutions on Mileage ; passed, 62.

For resolutions relating to Arms, &c., see Com-
mittee on Military Affairs.

Resolutions of Mr. Worthington on defining the
position of Maryland ; referred to committee on
Federal Relations, 77.

Resolutions relating to adjournment, see Ad-
journment of the Legislature.

Senate resolutions appointing John M. Robin-
son, Commissioner to Delaware, passed, 73.

Resolutions offered by Mr. Wallis, from the
committee on Federal Relations, relating to the
war and the military occupation of Maryland by
by the Federal Government, 107.

See Committee on Federal Relations.

Senate resolutions proposing the appointment
of Commissioners to visit Presidents Lincoln and


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 455   View pdf image (33K)
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