INDEX. 449
section 7, of article 8, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, 337.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY—Bill to regulate Weights and
Measures in, 314—See Frederick County.
Leave granted delegation from, to report a bill
to authorize John R. Miller to collect taxes in the
town of Rockville in; reported favorably, read a
first and, by special order, a second and third
time, and passed, 103; returned from Senate
passed, 113.
Petition of citizens of, for a State Convention,
and for an appropriation to arm the citizens of
Maryland to defend their homes, referred to com-
mittee on Federal Relations, 111.
Petition of citizens of, against the passage of
the Safety Bill; referred, 111.
Message from Governor transmitting a petition
from sundry citizens of Montgomery county, ask-
ing for protection for transportation of produce to
the District of Columbia; referred to committee
on Federal Relations, 123; report made, 139.
Resolution, that petition be referred to the com-
missioner to Virginia, O. Horsey, Esq., with in-
structions, &c., adopted, 145.
Bill, from a select committee relating to the
Judges of the Orphans' Court for, referred to
committee on the Judiciary, 187; reported with
amendments, 213.
Petition, from citizens of, for a law requiring
parties petitioning for roads in, to pay all the ex-
penses incurred, whether opened or not; referred
to, 264.
Order, that the State Librarian furnish the clerk
of the Circuit court of Montgomery county with
twenty printed copies of the election laws of this
State, for distribution to the judges of the several
election districts, as they may be required, for
the use of the said judges, adopted, 280.
Leave granted delegation from to report a bill
to legalize the sale of potatoes in, by measure-
ment, 289.