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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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448 INDEX.


Kellinger, Quarter Master and Acting Livision
Inspector of the First Light Division of the Mary-
land Volunteers, for services rendered by said
Volunteers from the 19th of April, to the 7th of
May, in and about the city of Baltimore, by said
Division, 184.

Report of, (Document I,) made and adopted,

Senate bill to pay a portion of the 16th regi-
ment, M. M., for guard duty, at the Frederick
Armory, by order of the Governor, referred to,
252; reported favorably, and postponed, 256.

Bill reported to make valid the qualification of
all Military Officers who have been appointed
since the enactment of the Code, read the first
time, 262; read a second and third time, and
passed, 302.

Bill reported from, to repeal sections 41, 42,43,
46, 47, 48 and 112, of Article LXIII, of the Code
of Public General Laws, and sections 741, 742,
745, of Article IV, of the Code of Public Local
Laws of tnis State, in relation to the uniformed
and ununiformed militia and volunteer force in
the several counties of this State, and in the city
of Baltimore, and the reclamation, custody, con-
trol and redelivery of arms heretofore delivered to
to the officers and men under them; and to add
to the said Article LXV of the Code of Public
General Laws a section providing for the preven-
tion and suspension of proceedings upon bonds here-
tofore given under the laws of this State for the re-
turn of such arms, read a first, second and third
time and passed, 292; returned from Senate passed
with amendment, 315; amendment passed, 318.

Leave granted, to report a bill to reduce the
salary of the Adjutant General, 301.

Petition of Captain Stevens of the Maryland
Defenders, in relation to the disarming of his
Company, by order of the Governor, and asking
the interposition of the Legislature; referred to,

Leave granted to, to report a bill to amend


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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