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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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450 INDEX.


Petition of Allen Bowie Davis to be released of
the payment of a certain tax on commission;
referred to committee of Ways and Means, 359.


NEYINS, JOHN W.—Petition of, 38.

NATIONAL FLAG—Resolution received from Senate au-
thorizing the hoisting of the National Flag, on
the building now occupied by the General Assem-
bly; read a first time, 201.


Vote of thanks tendered to, 160.

Order, appointing Thos. H. Moore, Chief Clerk
during the illness of M. Y. Kidd, adopted, 164;
the Chief Clerk, Milton Y. Kidd, resumes his du-
ties, 214.

Order, that when the House adjourns the posi-
tion of Esma Lowe, folder, and George W. How-
ard, assistant folder, be vacated, and Thomas Ma-
son be re-instated, as folder, adopted, 288; re-con-
sidered, and laid on the table, 300.

Ordered, that a committee appointed to ascer-
tain what number of officers are now in service in
House, and what number, if any, can be dispensed
with, adopted, and committee appointed, 153.

Committee reported, that the Speaker appoint
three committee clerks for the general use or the
committees of the House, and that all the commit-
tee clerks be discharged, that the Speaker shall


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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