INDEX. 413
Order that the Governor be requested to open
negotiations with the authorities at Washington,
for the return of runaway slaves in military camps,
&c., adopted, 169.
Leave granted Judiciary committee to report a
bill requiring that all religious meetings of negroes
shall be conducted under the guidance of a slave-
holder of the immediate neighborhood, 273.
Bill from select committee amending the law
in relation to the religious meetings of free ne-
groes and slaves, referred to Judiciary committee,
Leave granted special committee to report a
bill to amend article 66 of the Code of Public
General Laws, so as to prohibit the running away
and resorting to of free negroes and slaves to mili-
tary encampments, &c., 219 ; unfavorable report
thereon, (See Frederick County.)
Senate bill to repeal section 9 of article 66 of
the Code of Public General Laws, referred to se-
lect committee, 383.
COMMITTEES, STANDING—Order that the Speaker ap-
point standing committees on Ways and Means,
on Judiciary, on Military Affairs, on Federal Re-
lations and on Currency, to consist of seven mem-
bers each, adopted, 5 ; on Federal Relations, ap-
pointed, 10 ; on Ways and Means and Claims,
appointed, 11 ; on Judiciary, Currency and Mili-
tary Affairs, appointed, 12 ; on Printing, appoint-
ed, 39.
COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY—Leave granted Judiciary
committee to report a bill to authorize the, of the
several counties of the State, to levy on the asses-
sable property of said counties such amount as
they may deem requisite to purchase arms for the
defense of said counties, 19.
Select committee reported bill to add new sec-
tions to article 38 of the Code of Public General
Laws relating to the rights and duties of, referred
to committee on the Judiciary, 36; reported fa-
vorably and passed, 92 ; returned from Senate,
passed, 306.
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