412 INDEX.
CLERK OF THE HOUSE—Ordered to transmit to Alex-
ander Wilson a copy of the petition in regard to
his removal from the county of Cecil into Kentr
Ordered to transmit to Messrs. Scott, McLane
and Ross a copy of the Resolutions appointing
them commissioners to the President of the United
States, 56.
Order appointing Thomas H. Moore, during
the illness of M. Y. Kidd, adopted, 164.
COLORED POPULATION—Bill reported from select com-
mittee, to repeal section' 49 of article 56, in rela-
tion to free negroes remaining out of the State
more than thirty days; and section 50 of same ar-
ticle in relation to the granting of permits by the
Orphans' Court to, to remain out and return into-
this State for a longer period than thirty days, 37;
amended and referred to committee on Judiciary,
38 ; reported unfavorably, 59 ; minority report
thereon, 59 ; both bills recommitted, 59 : favora-
ble report, and read a first time, 66; read a second
and by special order a third time and rejected, 79; re-
considered to second reading, 80 ; amended, read
a second and by special order a third time, and
passed, 81.
Leave granted the Judiciary committee to bring
in a bill to be entitled an act to amend the IVth
article of the Code of Public Local Laws, by add-
ing thereto a section, vesting in the Board of Po-
lice of the City of Baltimore all the authority in
said city, now vested in a single Magistrate and
Constable, under the provisions of the LXVth ar-
ticle of the Code of General Public Laws, in regard
to free negroes and mulatoes, 38 ; bill reported
favorably, read a first and by special order a se-
cond and third time, and passed, 58 ; returned
from Senate, passed, T6.
Bill reported from a select committee to amend
article 66, of the Code of Public General Laws re-
lating to negroes, by repealing the 91st section there-
of and inserting in lieu thereof a section in rela-
tion to the apprehension fees for slaves, read a
a first, second and third time by special order and
passed, 240; returned from the Senate, rejected,