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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 411   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 411


Order that the, close the journal of accounts to
Thursday, August 8th, inclusive, and issue no
certificates for the pay of members until the ad-
journment, rejected, 358.

Order to pay H. Winchester $30, for the use of
furniture, referred to, 358.

Order that the close the journal of accounts on
Wednesday, &c., adopted, 374.

Order that the, pay for gas furnished the two
Houses, adopted, 374.

Order that the, pay for ice furnished the House,
adopted, 375.

Order that the, pay the Sergeant-at-arms $25,
for summoning witnesses, adopted, 376.

Order that the, pay General Richard Thomas,
$25, for attendance as witness, adopted, 379.

Leave granted to, to report a bill to pay Thos.
K. Robinson a sum of money for advertising mili-
tary orders," 319 ; bill reported and passed, 380 ;
returned from Senate, passed, 382.

Order that the, pay H. A. Hager, $32 as folder,
adopted, 379.

Order that the, pay R. B, Henderson $8,00 for
room hire, adopted, 379,

Senate bill to refund Samuel T, Hopkins and
John Donovan certain taxes, referred to, 383,
CLERGY— Joint committee appointed to wait upon the clery
of Frederick and request their services, 5 ; com-
mittee reported a list of ministerial appointments
for opening the sessions of both houses with pray-
er, which was adopted, 34.

Order that the thanks of the House presented
and committee on Claims directed to pay each of
them five dollars per day, laid on the table, 131.

Order that the committee on Claims pay to the
ministers who conducted Divine service for the
General Assembly one hundred dollars to be
equally divided among them, laid on the table,
136 ; adopted by yeas and nays, 138.

Order that the thanks of the House tendered to
the Chaplains, adopted, 150.

Order that the committee pay the Chaplains of
both Houses the same compensation as at the May
term, adopted, 311.


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 411   View pdf image (33K)
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