INDEX. 407
Bill reported by, to appropriate a sum of mo-
ney for the payment of the claims of John Mur-
phy & Co., Wm. S. Brown, A. H. Hunt, Henshaw
& Markey, Young Mens' Christian Association of
Frederick city, and others, which was read the
first, and by special order the second and third
time, and passed, 87; returned from Senate,
passed, 125.
Message to the Senate proposing to refer the
bill of Chippewa Tribe Improved Order of Red
Men to the committee on Claims of both Houses
as a joint special committee to consider and report
on the same, adopted, 87.
Bill of Improved Order of Red Men, for rent of
hall, referred to committee on Claims of both
Houses, 88.
Order that, pay to Otho Scott, Robert M. Mc-
Lane and Wm. J. Ross, one hundred dollars each
for expenses as commissioners to Washington,
adopted, 95.
Order that the, pay the police officers of the
House $3.00 each, per day, adopted, 112.
Bill reported by, to pay Alien G. Quynn a sum
of money, for articles furnished troops protecting
Frederick Barracks, read the first and by special
order the second and third time, and passed, 113.
Bill reported by, to pay claims of Trustees of
Chippewa Tribe, No. 19, Improved Order of Red
Men, and the President of the council of the Evan-
gelical Reformed Church, read a first, second and
third time, and passed, 128, 129 ; returned from
Senate passed, 136.
Bill reported by, appropriating a sum of money
for the payment of the claims of John Murphy &
Co., Andrew Henderson, Hugh McAleer, Adams
& Co's Express, Tyler Davis, Erasmus West, G.
& L. Markell & Co., A. H. Hager, H. C. Shipley,
Adolphus Fox, Quynn & Ritter and Edwin M.
Ship, read a first, and by special order a second
and third time, and passed, 130 ; returned from
Senate passed, 187.