408 INDEX.
Order that the, pay to each of theReverned
gentlemen officiating as chaplain to this House
five dollars per day, laid on the table, 131.
Order that the, pay to C. Clayton Yeakle, five
dollars for services, adopted, 132.
Order that the, pay to the ministers who con-
ducted divine service for the General Assembly
one hundred dollars, to be equally divided among
them, laid on the table, 136 ; passed by yeas and
nays, 139.
Order that the, pay the Isabella Gas Works for
gas consumed by the House and Senate, adopted,
Claim of Thomas J. Brice for an overpayment
made to the Treasury, referred to, 168.
Claim of Caleb Stewart for services as porter to
the court of Appeals, referred to, 163.
Report made by, in relation to the examination
of the books in the offices of the Treasurer and
Comptroller, under an order of the House at its
last regular session, accepted, 173,
Leave granted to, to report a bill to compensate
Wm. Segafoose, Sheriff of Carroll county, for ar-
resting Josiah Frock, an escaped prisoner, in the
State of Pennsylvania, 184.
Bill reported to pay claims of Thos. J. Brice,
Executor of Ann Brice, Owen M. Taylor, Caleb
Stewart, Thomas Gardner and John H. Thomp-
son, read a first time, 188 ; read a second and
third time, rejected and reconsidered, 281 ; read
a third time, and passed, 352 ; returned from
Senate passed, 381.
Order, that the, inquire into and report to this
House, what amount would be a proper compensa-
tion to the commissioner who visited Virginia and
report by bill or otherwise, adopted, 191; bill re-
ported, read a first, second and third time, and
passed, 209.
Leave granted to, to report a bill to pay John
H. Emerson and A. G. Gullett, for printing or-
dered by the Governor, 204.
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