406 INDEX.
from the Eastern Shore to the General Assembly,
Leave granted, to report a bill to pay Samuel
Jackson for executing an order under resolution
No. 5, of the session of 1860, 53 ; bill reported,
88 ; motion to refer to next General Assembly
lost, 88 ; read a second and by special order a
third time, and passed, 89 ; returned from Sen-
ate passed, 231.
Leave granted the, to introduce a bill to pay
Wm. G. Cole and others, 58.
Bill reported by, appropriating a sum of money
to pay Samuel J. Pentz, of steamer Pioneer, Wm.
H. Hamilton, John Bird, J. C. Bush, James
Cook, William Lynch, John Bradshaw and E. S.
Thomas, read the first time, 59 ; ordered to a
second reading, 60 ; amendment proposed and re-
jected, 61; bill recommitted to a joint special
committee, consisting of the committee on Claims
and the special committee on Mileage, 61; mes-
sage of the Governor in response to inquiry, sta-
ting the Pioneer was chartered by Coleman Yel-
lott, Esq., with his approval, same reference, 68 ;
bill reported favorably, read and rejected, 91; re-
considered to its second reading and its further
consideration postponed, 91; bill taken up, 99 ;
amendments offered and rejected, 100, 101 ; bill
rejected and reconsider ed, 102 ; recommitted, 115;
reported with amendments, 207; amendments
adopted, 208 ; bill read a third time and passed,
208 ; returned from Senate passed withan amend-
ment, which was passed, 239.
The, directed to pay Francis T. Rhodes for
keeping the hall of the House, 65.
Leave granted the, to bring in a bill to pay
George W. Hooper for provisions furnished by or-
der of Gov. Hicks, through Major Kenly, to the
forces protecting Pikesville Arsenal, 68.
Senate bill to pay Thomas A. Mitchell one hun-
dred dollars for services as sergeant-at-arms, &c.,
due January 1, 1861, referred to, 81; reported
favorably, read a second and by special order a
third time, and passed, 86.