last session of the Legislature to arm the State, has been ex-
pended, and by whom expended, and whether any agent has
been appointed by the Governor and Adjutant General to
disburse the said $70,000, or any part thereof, either di-
rectly or indirectly, or to procure samples of arms, and if
so, whether said agent was appointed at the expense of
the State, and if so, what compensation he is to be paid, and
whether such appointment is authorized by the constitution
or any law of this State, and who said agent is, what number,
kind and quality of arms have been purchased under said
appropriation, of whom purchased, at what prices, and where
they were deposited, and whether they were ever inspected,
if so, by whom inspected and by whom distributed, to what
counties, the number and kind to each county, whether any
of said arms have been seized or stolen, by any individual or
individuals, and if so where they were deposited when so
seized or stolen, what number, kind and quality of the arms
purchased from the $70,000 appropriation now remain on
hand, and where deposited, whether any of said arms have
been condemned by the inspector or inspectors, what number,
kind and quality so condemned, and what disposition has
been made or will be made of the same.
Which was adopted.
Mr. Jacobs offered the following :
Ordered. That a committee of three be appointed by the
Speaker to report a bill providing further police regulations
for the State.
Which was adopted, and Messrs. Jacobs, Bryan, and Har-
ding, constituted said committee.
Mr. Wallis offered the following :
Ordered, That the Governor be and he is hereby respect-
fully requested to furnish this House, at his earliest conveni-
ence, a copy of his letter to the Secretary of War, to which
the letter of the latter, bearing date April 17, 1861, is a re-
ply; and also copies of all other correspondence which may
have taken place between himself and any officer or officers
of the General Government, since the 4th of March last.
Which was adopted.
Mr. McCleary offered the following:
Ordered, That no member of this House, shall on any
question of order or bill, shall speak more than twice and not
more than fifteen minutes each time;
was lost.