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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)
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1861.] OF THE SENATE. 161

So the Senate rejected the message.

On motion of Mr. Kimmel,
The resolution in relation to the National flag,
Was taken up.

The yeas and nays being demanded, appeared as follows.:


Messrs. Bradley, McKaig,

Franklin, Miles,

Goldsborough,of Talbot; Nuttle,

Heckart, Smith,

Kimmel, Stone,

Lynch, Watkins—12.


Messrs. Brooke, President; Townsend—2,
So the Senate adopted the resolution.
Said resolution was then sent to the House of Delegates.

The Clerk of the House of Delegates delivered the following

A bill, entitled, An act to authorize and empower Francis
Mattingly to erect gates upon a road passing near his house, to
the Catholic church, near Mount Savage;

Which was read the first time, and referred to a select commit-
tee, consisting of Messrs. McKaig, Stone, and Nuttle.

A bill, entitled, An act further to define the duties of the State

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Committee
on the Library.

A bill, entitled, An act to authorize the Vestry of St. Peter's
church, in the town of Salisbury, in Somerset county, to take,
have, and hold, a lot of land devised by the last will and testa-
ment of William Henry Dulany;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Committee
on Judicial Proceedings.

A bill, entitled. An act to amend the 31st section of the 5th
Article of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to the com-
pensation of the jurors and bailiffs of Calvert county;


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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)
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