measures requiring the action of the two Bodies, prior to their
adjournment, and also in regard to the time of adjournment,
make the following report:
A majority of the Joint Committee recommend as follows:
First.—That the Senate adopt the resolutions reported from
the House Committee on Federal Relations, and adopted by the
House, in regard to existing National troubles, with the addition
or amendments hereto annexed.
Second.—That the House concur in said amendments, if adopted
by the Senate.
Third.—That the Senate and House of Delegates adjourn on
Thursday, the 16th of May, at eleven o'clock, A. M., to meet
again in Frederick city, on Tuesday, the 4th day of June, at
one o'clock, P. M.
Fourth.—That several appropriation bills, necessary to be
specially acted upon, should be passed, if possible, prior to the
Chairman of Senate Committee.
Strike out from the House Resolutions the last of said Reso-
lutions, relating to an adjournment, and add the following :
And be it further Resolved, That a Committee be appointed
to consist of four members of the Senate and four members of the
House of Delegates, four of which Committee, (to be selected of
themselves,) shall as early as possible, wait on the President of
the United States at Washington, and the other four of said
Committee shall wait on the President of the Southern Confed-
eracy, for the purpose of laying the foregoing resolutions before
them; and that said Committee be and is hereby especially in-
structed to obtain, if possible, a general cessation of hostilities
now impending, until the meeting of Congress in July next, in
order that said Body may, if possible, arrange for an adjustment
of existing troubles by means of negotiation, rather than the
Resolved, That said Committee consist of Messrs. Brooke,
Yellott, McKaig, and Lynch, of the Senate, and Messrs. ——,
— ——„ and —— of the House of Delegates.
Resolved. That said Committee be requested to report, it prac-
tioable, to the General Assembly on the fifth day of June next,