AN ACT to amend the act of November ses-
sion seventeen hundred and .ninety-nine,
chapter forty-four, entitled an act to incor-
porate a society for the maintenance and
education of poor female children, by the
name of the Benevolent Society for the city
. and county of Baltimore.
WHEREAS the Associate Reqtors of Saint
Paul's Parish, in the city and county of Balti-
more, and their successors and the subscribers
and contributors to the society, incorporated
by the act of November session seventeen
hundred and ninety-nine, chapter forty-four,
were incorporated by said act under the name
of the Benevolent Society for the city and
county of Baltimore, for the purposes in said
act mentioned; and
WHEREAS the pecuniary condition of the said
corporation so formed is such that there is no
longer occasion that the said corporation
should rely upon subscribers and contribu-
tors to obtain the means necessary to carry
into effect the purposes of said society; and
WHEREAS the number of said subscribers
and contributors has for this reason become
so limited that it is necessary and proper to
provide other means for the government of
said society, and for the performance of the
duties devolved upon it by said act; therefore,
SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the Vestry of Saint
Paul's Parish, in Baltimore county, hereinbe-
fore referred to, shall have power to appoint
upon such a day as it may designate in each
and every year, from among the parishioners
of said Saint Paul's Parish, eight Trustees,
who shall, together with the Rector for the
time being, of said Parish, constitute a Board
Board of trus-