charter, or by any ordinance of the Commis-
sioners, may be collected by proceedings in
the name of the Commissioners before the
President of the Commissioners or a Jus-
tice of the Peace; and the said President or
Justice of the Peace shall have the power to
commit the offender to the county Jail on fail-
ure to pay such fines or forfeitures, until the
same shall be paid with costs.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That the Com-
Fines— How
collected .
missioners shall not expend, or contract to
expend, in any one year more money than
the amount receivable from taxes and other
sources for that year.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the Com-
missioners for the county, Justices of the
Peace, Sheriff, Constables and all the county
and State officers, shall have, hold and exercise
their offices and jurisdiction in said town, and
the Commissioners of Prince George's county
Limit of ex-
shall appropriate annually the full amount of
road tax levied or imposed upon the assess-
able property within the corporate limits of
the town, and shall order the county Collec-
tors who shall collect the taxes within said
corporate limits, to pay said road taxes to the
Commissioners of said town, for the improve-
ment of the streets and roads within the cor-
porate limits of the town.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the Com-
missioners shall have power to establish build-
County to
ing lines on all the streets in said town, or
which shall hereafter be opened therein, and
to compel all persons hereafter erecting build-
ing in said town to conform thereto.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.