provided by the Commissioners for that pur-
pose, and shall render an account to the Com-
missioners when required by them, for all
moneys received by him, and shall promptly
Keep account.
pay to the order of the Commissioners under
such regulations as they may prescribe, all
sums of money so received by him; he shall
receive for his services such compensation as
the Commissioners may direct, not exceeding
ten per cent, of his collection.
Duty of Chief
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the Chief
Bailiff shall attend the meetings of the Com-
missioners, and perform such duties as they
shall direct; shall preserve the peace and
good order of said town, and for this purpose is
vested with the same power and authority as
any Constable now has under the laws of this
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the Presi-
dent shall preside at all meetings of the Com-
missioners, and shall have all the powers of a
Justice of the Peace in criminal cases where
the Commissioners are a party, and shall re-
Powe r of
ceive the same fees allowed a Justice of the
Peace in similar cases; and an appeal from
his judgment, where the demand or fine ex-
ceeds five dollars, may be taken to the Circuit
Court, Prince George's county, which shall
hear and determine the matter as upon ap-
peals from Justices of the Peace.
Bailiff's fees.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the Chief
Bailiff shall have the same fees for making
distresses for taxes as are allowed County Col-
lectors; and for making arrests or serving pro-
cess for violations of any ordinances of the
corporation, the same as are allowed Consta-
bles for similar services; and when the Bailiff
willfully fails to discharge any duty of his
office, he may be fined not exceeding ten dol-
lars for any one offence.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That any fines,
penalties and forfeitures imposed by this