fermented liquors or. lager beer nearer the
grounds of Emory Grove Association of Bal-
timore city, than one mile and a-half, in any
direction; provided, nothing in this act shall
be construed to prevent the aforesaid Clerk
from granting a license to any person or per-
sons to sell spirituous or fermented liquors or
lager beer within the aforesaid prescribed
limits at any place now, or in the future,
where the same is now being sold.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Hyatt-
ville, in Prince George's county.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the citizens of the
town of Hyattville, in Prince George's county
be and they are hereby created a body corpor-
ate by the name of "The Commissioners of
Hyattville," with all the powers and privi-
leges of a body politic and corporate, and by
said corporate name may have perpetual suc-
cession, sue and be sued, plead and be im-
pleaded in any Court of Law or Equity, and
have and use a common seal, and purchase
and hold real, personal and mixed property and
sell and dispose of same for the benefit of the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the limits of
said town shall be as follows: Commencing at
the junction of the Eastern Branch of the Poto-
mac river and the Northwest Branch and fol-
lowing the Northwest Branch to Carlton's dam;
thence in a direct line to a stone on the south
side of the public road leading to Bladensburg;