thence in a direct line to the western extremity
of Avalon avenue; thence with Avalon avenue
to the western boundary of the Washington
and Baltimore turnpike; thence with western
boundary of said turnpike southerly to its in-
tersection with the southern line of Riversdale
extended; thence with said line easterly to the
Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad; thence with the easterly boundary
of said railroad right-of-way southerly to the
Alexandria junction of said railroad; thence
with the eastern boundary of the right-of-way
of said Alexandria Branch Road to the east
branch of the Eastern Branch of the Potomac
river; thence with said east branch and adja-
cent limits of the Corporation of Bladensburg
to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citi-
zens of said town, of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards, having resided therein six
months next preceding any election held here-
under, and who are qualified to vote for mem-
bers of the General Assembly, shall, on the
first Monday in May next, and annually there-
after on the same day, at the place in said
town designated by the Judges of Election,
elect by ballot, five Commissioners for said
town, to serve for one year, and until their
successors shall be elected and qualified; no
person shall be eligible as Commissioner of
said town unless over twenty- five years of
age, and a resident within said corporate limits
at time of the election and for at leas.t one
year next preceding the same, and- his term of
office shall terminate upon his removal of resi-
dence from the town limits.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the said Com-
missioners elected hereunder, shall meet on
or before the first Monday in June next suc-
ceeding their election, and shall choose one of
Qualified to
their number as President; they shall meet as
often thereafter as necessary to a proper dis-
charge of their official duties, and shall con-
tinue in office until their successors shall be
To organize.