any additional supplies of the like kind that
may be needed by said Commissioners, in ex-
cess of the amount advertised and bid for.
Additional Sec-
tions added.
SEC. 2. And ~be it enacted by the General As-
sembly, Thac the following sections be added
to said article fourteen, to be styled section
14 A, and section 30 A, respectively.
SEC. 14 A. That if any Keeper or Overseer of
said Almshouse, or any Officer or Member of
said Commissioners of Charities and Correc-
tions shall neglect or refuse for the space of
thirty days after the expiration of his term of
office, or after being removed from his office,
to surrender and deliver up to his successor in
Penalty for
failure to do-
liver money,
books. &c.
office, any property, money, books or effects
of any kind, in his possession as such officer or
member, he shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and, upon indictment and convic-
tion in a Court of Law, shall be fined not less
than one thousand dollars and imprisoned in
the county jail for not less than two years ;
but nothing herein contained shall bar any
civil suit that might be maintained for the
recovery of such property, money or effects.
SEC. 30 A. That whenever there shall be no
bid made for any of the supplies advertised
for, the said Commissioners of Charities and
Procure by
private pur-
Corrections may procure the same by private
purchase for and during the term for which
such advertisement was made, to wit, the term
of three months; provided, that such supplies
shall not be directly or indirectly purchased or
procured of either of said Commissioners, nor
shall either of them directly or indirectly
furnish the same.
SEC. 3. And.be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 3, 1886.