SEC. 10. They shall, in February in each
year appoint some suitable person to be Over-
seer or Keeper of the Alinshouse and Manager
of the farm connected therewith, and they
shall appoint such other and so many officers
and employees as they may deem requisite
and fix and establish their compensation. ,
SEC. 14. They shall, in February in each year,
appoint one of their own members Treasurer
of the Commissioners of Charities and Cor-
rections of Frederick county, who shall collect
and receive all moneys appropriated by the
Overseer and
other Officers.
County Commissioners of said county, for the
use and benefit of the Almshouse, and for the
support and maintenance of persons committed
to the jail of Frederick county, and all sums
of money arising from the sale of the products
raised on the farm connected with the Alms-
house, or due or owing to said Commissioners
of Charities and Corrections from any other
SEC. 30. It shall be the duty of said Commis-
sioners of Charities and Corrections, every three
months, to advertise for sealed proposals for
Duties of the
furnishing all supplies and provisions neces-
sary for the support and maintenance of the
inmates of the Almshouse, and all persons
committed to the jail of Frederick county,
and for all fuel needed for said Almshouse
and jail, and to award the contract or contracts
therefor to the lowest responsible bidder, who
shall give bond to said Commissioners in such
penalty as they may prescribe, for the faithful
performance of such contract or contracts, and
no one of said Commissioners shall be allowed
to be a bidder for any such contract, or be in-
terested therein, directly or indirectly, and
they shall have full power to make such pro-
visions for the maintenance and support of the
inmates of said jail and Almshouse as they
may deem necessary, until the contracts here-
inbefore provided for, can be made; provided,
that the successful bidder shall be held and
obligated to furnish at the same rate and price
Duties of
ers- to award