qualify; and should a vacancy occur at any
time from death, resignation or other causes,
the Commissioners shall fill the vacancy for
the unexpired portion of said Treasurer's term.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners of Dorchester county shall have power
and authority, and it shall be their duty, to
appoint some suitable person in each election
district of said county, Collector of State and
county taxes for such district, on or before
the first Tuesday of May in each and every
year, who shall hold their respective offices
for one year from the said first Tuesday in
May in each year, and until their respective
successors have been duly appointed and
qualified; and it shall not be lawful for said
Commissioners or the local authorities of said
county to provide any fixed, annual or other
stated compensation or salary for the collec-
tion of either State or county taxes; nor shall
said Collectors be compensated for their serv-
ices otherwise than by a per centum on the
amount of their collections as provided in
this act; and the County Commissioners are
hereby further authorized and empowered,
when in their judgment they may deem it for
the best interest of the county, to make and
effect temporary loans for the use of the said
county, upon notes or drafts signed by them
or a majority of them, and countersigned by
the Clerk with the seal of the office for sums
in all not to exceed ten thousand dollars at
any time, payable with interest within six
months from the negotiation of such loan or
loans, and all such notes or drafts shall be
settled in full on or before the first day of
January of each and every year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 18, 1886.