AN ACT to repeal sections one, ten, fourteen
and thirty, of Article eleven, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County,"
sub-title "Almshouse," as amended by the
Act of eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
chapter two hundred and forty-two, and to
re-enact said sections with amendments, and
to add further sections thereto, to be desig-
nated fourteen A, and thirty A.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That sections one, ten,
fourteen and thirty of Article eleven, of the
Repealed and
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Frederick
County," sub- title "Almshouse," as amended
by the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-
four, chapter two hundred and forty-two, be,
and the same are hereby repealed and re-en-
acted, so as to read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted l>y the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That on the second
Monday of February, eighteen hundred and
ers of Charities
and Correc -
eighty-sis, and on that day every two years
thereafter, the County Commissioners of Fred-
erick county shall appoint five discreet and
competent persons, residents of said county,
two of whom shall be of an opposite political
party from that of a majority of said County
Commissioners to be Commissioners of Chari-
ties and Corrections, who shall hold office for
the space of two years from the second Mon-
day of February of their appointment, or until
their successors are appointed and qualified ;
and should any person appointed by the County
Commissioners to be Commissioners of Chari-
ties and Corrections fail, or neglect to qualify
May till the
for thirty days, the County Commissioners
shall fill the vacancy; and the term of the
present Commissioners of Charities and Cor-
rections shall end and expire on said second
Monday of February, eighteen hundred and
eighty -six.