five, and annually thereafter, the said direc-
tors when elected, shall select one of their
number to be President; and said Board so
constituted shall be vested with all the au-
thority and power by the said act, of which
this is an amendment, and by the original act
incorporating this company conferred upon
the Board of Directors as originally consti-
tuted; and a majority of said board, includ-
ing the President, shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business; provided fur-
ther, that if any election under this act be not
made on the appointed day, such election may
be made at any time thereafter, and the Presi-
dent and Directors, for the time being, shall
hold and exercise their offices until a new
election shall be made and their successors
duly elected.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the
time, manner and place for all elections for
Board of Di-
Directors to manage the affairs of said corpo-
rate body under this act shall be as prescribed
by the constitution and by-laws of said com-
pany (and in no other way); and any stock-
holder receiving one-fifth of the total vote
cast at any such election, either in person or
by proxy, shall be duly elected a director ;