manner as from a Justice of the Peace of said
county; he shall see that the ordinances of
the town are well and faithfully executed ;
he shall, by and with the advice and consent
of the Council, appoint all officers of said town,
except the town Clerk and Treasurer, which
officers shall be elected by the Council; he
shall annually, on the first Monday in March,
report to the Council in writing the general
state of the town, with an accurate account of
all moneys received and expended, which re-
port shall be published in two newspapers of
Publish state-
said town of opposite political faith, as shall
be designated by said Council, giving a full
and particular statement of all receipts and
disbursements; he shall have power to remove
any of the officers, agents or servants by him
appointed, for neglect or violation of any duties-
pertaining to their respective offices or posi-
tions, and shall report such removal and ap-
pointment at its next regular meeting to the
Council for approval or disapproval; he shall
Other duties.
have general supervision of the town, and
from time to time he shall submit to the Coun-
cil such recommendations as he shall deem
proper, and shall receive for his services the
sum of fifty dollars as an annual salary.
SEC. 110. The Mayor shall annually appoint,
as heretofore provided, a Bailiff or Collector
of taxes, and such police force, if any, as may
be deemed necessary by the Council, who,
before entering upon the discharge of their
duties, shall make oath before the Mayor to
faithfully and impartially perform all the
duties required of them, to the best of their
skill and judgment, without fear, affection or
prejudice; and said Bailiff or Collector shall
give bond and security in such sum as the
Council shall designate; and it shall be in the
power of the Council to fix the salaries or
commissions to which all officers of the corpo-
ration are entitled, except the compensation
of the Mayor and members of this Council,
which are fixed by this act.