SEC. 111. All orders or resolutions for the
appropriation of money from the town treasury,
whether for general or special purposes, and
all ordinances passed by the Council shall be
attested by the Clerk, and approved by the
Mayor; and if the Mayor shall disapprove any
ordinance, resolution or order so passed by the
Council, he shall return the same with his
reasons therefor, at the next regular or special
meeting of said Council, when if passed by
two-thirds of all the members elected to said
Council, it shall be an order, resolution or or-
dinance to all intents and purposes as if it had
been duly approved; and if the Mayor shall
fail to act upon any order, resolution or ordi-
nance so passed within six days after the
passage thereof, or at said next regular or
special meeting, then said order, resolution or
ordinance shall be valid and binding as if
actually approved; and all resolutions and
orders for the appropriation of money shall
be by yeas any nays, to be entered on the
journal, and the affirmative vote of a majority
of all the members elected to said body, shall
be necessary to pass an ordinance or any order
or resolution for the appropriation of money.
SEC. 112. The Council shall have power to
pass all ordinances not contrary to the Consti-
tution and Laws of this State, as they may
deem necessary for the good government of
the town, for the preservation of peace and
good order, and securing persons and property
from violence, danger and destruction; for
the removal of nuisances, no matter from
what source proceeding, and all obstructions
from the streets, lanes and alleys, and from
any lot adjoining thereto within the limits of
the town; they may remove, or cause to be re-
moved, any houses or other buildings that
may in their judgment become dangerous;
they may pass ordinances to cause the
streets, lanes and alleys to be paved, graded
repaired, drained, leveled or sewered; they
may pass all ordinances necessary to protect
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