the Court or the Justice of the Peace entering
a judgment upon any such contract or cause
of action, shall enter or cause to be entered
among the docket entries of the same, "Right
to exemption waived," or words to that effect,
and a like entry shall be made on the back of
any execution issued on said judgment; pro-
vided, however, if such waiver has been made
as above stated and said entry has been omitted,
nevertheless such defendant shall be estopped
from demanding such exemption unless said
Court or Justice of the Peace, for sufficient .
reasons, has entered among the docket entries
of the case that said waiver is void.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to open streets and
alleys through the property known as the
"Cathedral Cemetery in Baltimore city,"
and to confer certain powers on the Trus-
tees of said cemetery.
WHEREAS the Trustees of the Catholic Ca-
thedral Church of Baltimore, a corporation
duly created by the Laws of Maryland, is now
Waiver of
the owner of certain cemetery or burial ground
in Baltimore city, commonly called the "Cathe-
dral Cemetery," situated between Winchester
street and the south side of Tennat street, and
between Arlington avenue and Stricker street;
WHEREAS by the terms of one or more of the
acts of Assembly of Maryland, relating to the
said burial ground or cemetery, it is provided
that no streets, lanes or alleys shall be opened
through said burial ground or cemetery with-
out the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland first had; and