teen hundred and sixty-five, be and the same
are hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to
read as follows :
SEC. 3. A sum not exceeding fifteen thousand
dollars shall be annually appropriated, to be
applied under the direction of the Governor,
in placing for instruction in the Maryland In-
stitution for the Instruction of the Blind, such
indigent blind persons of the age of seven
years and upwards, inhabitants of this State,
and the county or city from which they are
recommended, as may be duly recommended
to the Governor by the County Commissioners
of each county, or by the Judges of the Or-
phans' Court of Baltimore city.
SEC. 5. The amount per annum paid for
any one individual shall not exceed the sum
of three hundred dollars.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to add a section, to be designated sec-
tion A, to article eighty-three of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Sales and No-
tices," relating to exemption of property
from execution.
To add section.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the following sec-
tion be added to article eighty-three of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Sales and
Notices," relating to exemptions of property
from execution, to be designated as section A.
SEC. A. Whenever any defendant or defend-
ants in an original contract or cause of action,
or by a subsequent contract in writing, shall
have waived his, her or their claim to exemp-
tion under the laws allowing such exemption,