guilty of a misdemeanor, and on presentment,
indictment and conviction, or on conviction
before a Justice of the Peace, shall pay a fine
of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more
than fifty dollars for each and every offence,
one-half of which to go to the informer, and
one-half to the Board of County School Com-
missioners of said county for School purposes,
and on refusal to pay said fine, be imprisoned
in the county Jail for a period of riot less than
thirty nor more than sixty days.
SEC. 4. No person shall, at any season of the
year, wilfully destroy the eggs or nests of any
of the birds above named, under the penalty
of five dollars for each and every offence.
SEC. 5. It shall not be lawful for any person
to kill or take any wild turkey by means of
any blind, trap, snare, net or device whatso-
Shall not des-
troy eggs.
ever, between the first day of January and the
fifteenth day of September, in each year, under
a penalty of a fine of not less than five dol-
lars nor more than ten dollars for each and
every wild turkey so killed, taken or destroyed.
SEC. 6. The possession by any person in the
Wild Turkey.
county of any of the birds above named, shot,
killed or in anywise destroyed, shall be prima
facie evidence to convict the person having
such possession of having done such shooting,
killing or destroying.
SEC. 7. The fines provided for in sections
one, four and five of this act, shall be recover-
able in the name of the State before any Jus-
tice of the Peace in the county, one-half for
the benefit of the informer, and one-half for
the benefit of the County School fund, and said
Justice imposing such fines shall have power to
commit to the county Jail for the space of not
less than ten nor more than thirty days, any per-
son convicted under said sections and refusing
to pay such fine; provided, however, any per-
son thinking himself aggrieved by the de-
.Fines and