AN ACT to repeal chapter f orty; passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, entitled an act to incorporate the
town of Westernport, Allegany county, Mary-
land; and chapter one hundred and twenty-
seven, passed at the January session A. D.
eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled
an act to add certain sections to the charter
of the town of Westernport, in Allegany
county, and to re-enact the same so as to
read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly, That chapter forty of the acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-eight, entitled an act to incor-
porate the town of Westernport, Allegany
county, Maryland; and chapter one hundred
and twenty-seven of the acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, eighteen hundred and
eighty-two, entitled an act to add certain sec-
tions to the charter of the town of Western-
port, in Allegany county, be and the same are
hereby repealed, and the same re-enacted as
follows :
SECTION I. And be it enacted, That the citi-
zens of the town of Westernport, in Allegany
Repealed and
county, shall be and they are hereby consti-
tuted and made a body corporate, by the name
of the Commissioners of Westernport, with all
the privileges of a body corporate, and to have
a common seal and perpetual succession.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of
said town shall extend as follows: Beginning
at the mouth of the sewer of the upper round-
house of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company's shops, and running north twenty-
five degrees (25°) west four hundred feet to
the county road; then north twenty-one and