a-half degrees (21 1/2°) east five thousand two
hundred and fifty (5250) feet; then south sixty-
eight and a-half (68 1/2°) degrees east forty-one
hundred and fifty (4150) feet, to a bounded
white oak; then south twenty-one and a-half
(21 1/2°) degrees west, five thousand two hundred
and eighty (5280) feet, to corner of bridge-pier,
on West Virginia line, opposite to lower end of
Hominy Gland; then up and with said line to
the beginning; and the property within said
limits shall be subject to such taxes and
charges as may be deemed necessary by said
Commissioners, or a majority of them, to sup-
port and maintain the expenses which may at
any time be incurred in the government and
improvement of said town.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male
citizens of Westernport aforesaid, of the age
of twenty-one years and upwards, being citi-
zens of the United States, who have resided
in said town for and during the space of six
months next preceding the second Monday in
January, in each and every year, at the usual
place of holding elections in said town, or at
such place as shall be designated by the Com-
ers and Officers.
missioners of Westernport, are authorized to
elect five Commissioners for said town, who
shall be owners of real estate in the town and
who shall have resided within the limits of
the same eighteen months next preceding the
election; also, a Clerk and Bailiff, each of
whom shall have resided in the town eighteen
months next preceding the election; the Com-
missioners now in office shall continue in office
until their successors are elected and qualified,
and the Commissioners to be elected under the
provisions of this act shall, after they have
qualified, hold their several offices until their
successors are elected and qualified.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners, the Clerk and the Bailiff, elected un-
der the provisions of this act, shall qualify by
taking the following oath, to be administered