four dollars for the survey and plat, and the
Appraisers one dollar each; and upon the re-
turn of the plat of the Surveyor the appraise-
ment and a copy of his notice, with an affidavit
as to the time and manner of its service by the
Collector, the Court shall, if the proceedings
of the Collector have met the requirements of
this act, order a sale of the land so laid off by
the Collector and prescribe the time, manner
and terms of such sale, and a sale made under
such order shall be final, and the Collector's
deed, without further proceedings, shall be
conclusive against delinquents, and all claim-
ing under, by and through him and against
encumbrances; provided, said deed and plat
are filed for record within six months, and in
case delinquent's land is indivisible the Sur-
veyor and Appraisers shall report the fact with
the appraised value of the same at cash value,
and the Court shall order sale of the same in
the same manner, and Collector's deed shall
have same effect; provided, the real estate
sells at such sale for one -half of its appraised
value; and the surplus in either case shall be
Order sale.
paid over to, the person or persons entitled
thereto; that in cases of life-estates or life
tenure in real estate, where there is no person-
alty out of which taxes thereon can be made,
the Collector shall report the facts to the Court
who shall order the said life-estate to be sold ;
the funds arising from such sale to be disposed
of as in case of other sales.
SEC. 13. That the bond of any Collector fail-
ing to comply with the preceding sections shall
be put in suit by the County Commissioners at
the September term of the Circuit Court for
Wicomico county next after the said first day
of July, unless said Collector shall show a
good and sufficient reason for a postponement
of such action, but such postponement shall
not be for a longer period than one term of
said Court.
Sue bond.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.