eighteen hundred and eighty, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-one, eighteen hundred and
eighty-two and eighteen hundred and eighty-
three, and discharge all the duties and exer-
cise all the powers appertaining to the office
of Treasurer of Prince George's county, and
Collector of State and county taxes under the
Public Local Laws for Prince George's county,
and the Code of Public General Laws applica-
ble thereto.
Power to col-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to ratify the proceedings of the Cir-
cuit Court for Prince George's county, as a
Court of Equity, appointing James T. Per-
kins Trustee, to take charge of and complete
the collection of State and county taxes for
the years eighteen hundred and eighty-four
and eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and
to perform the other duties of Treasurer of
Prince George's county, and Collector of State
and county taxes in place of John G. Hall,
late Treasurer of Prince George's county, and
Collector of State and county taxes, deceased,
for the years eighteen hundred and eighty-
four and eighteen hundred and eighty-five.
WHEREAS, upon the application of the sure-
ties of John G. Hall, deceased, late Treasurer of
Prince George's county, and Collector of State
and county taxes of Prince George's county for
the years eighteen hundred and eighty-four
and eighteen hundred and eighty-five, the Cir-
cuit Court for Prince George's county, as a