of voters.
and all male citizens of this State over the age
of twenty-one years, who own real estate or
personal property to the value of one hundred
dollars in said town, shall be entitled to vote
for Commissioners of said town, and any citi-
zen of the State of Maryland who owns real
estate to the value of one hundred dollars in
said town of Chesapeake Beach, shall be eligi-
ble to the position of Commissioner.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioners shall, at least two weeks before the
Give notion.
election, on the first Monday in May, eighteen
hundred and eighty-seven, and annually there-
after, give notice of the time and place of the
election of Commissioners for said town by
printed notices, set up at three of the most
public places in said town, and at some meet-
ing prior to the first Monday in May, in each
year after the present year, shall appoint three
persons, citizens of said town, to act as Judges
of said Election, who before acting as such,
shall qualify in same manner as Judges of
Election for State and county officers in this
State are required to qualify, before a Justice
of the Peace, and shall open the polls at two
o'clock, p. m., on the first Monday in May, in
each year, (after the present), and close the
same at six o'clock, p. m., and the three per-
sons voted for at said election, (being citizens
of the State of Maryland, and owning real
estate in said town to the value of one hun-
dred dollars), who shall respectively receive
the largest number of votes shall be Commis-
sioners for said town for the ensuing year, and
until their successors are duly elected and
New election.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, If at any election
for Commissioners, it shall appear by the
certificate of the Judges of said Election, or a
majority of them, that any two persons voted
for as Commissioners have received the same
number of votes, so that there is no choice
for the entire Board, but a vacancy in one or