Owens; thence south fourteen and three-
fourth degrees, west one hundred and ninety-
one poles to a corner, three poles north of
centre of Fishing creek; thence north seventy-
seven degrees, west nineteen poles, to a corner,
three poles west of the centre of Fishing creek ;
thence south twenty-four and one-half poles to
a corner, three poles of centre of Fishing creek ;
thence in a westerly direction along the north
bank of Fishing creek, and three poles from its
centre to a point on branch, three poles north
of the mouth of said branch on Fishing creek;
thence with Fishing creek to an original corner
on said creek between Hutchins' and the Ma-
jor's choice tract, which was purchased of J. E.
Wilson by S. T. Suit; thence with the line of
the said Major's choice tract and said Hutchins,
now owned by a Mr. Earle, to the corner of
said Earle and Chew's heirs; thence with the
line of Chew's heirs to a point eleven hundred
and one feet in a westerly direction from an
original corner of said \VTilson and Chew's
heirs, in mouth of branch on said bay; thence
south three degrees, east four thousand and
fifty feet, being the line with the said Chew's
heirs to a corner in line of said Hutchins ;
thence south eighty-nine degrees, east with the
line of said Hutchins, thirteen hundred and
twenty-three feet to the beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That they, the
"Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach,'' shall
be three in number, and shall be elected on
the first Monday in May annually, on and after
the first Monday of May, Anno Domini eighteen
hundred and eighty-seven, and until the first
Monday in May, eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, F. W. Hutchins, S. T. Suit and Horace
Crosier, citizens of the State of Maryland, shall
be and are hereby appointed Commissioners of
said town; all male inhabitants of said town,
citizens of the United States, above twenty-
one years of age, who shall have bona fide re-
sided in said town six months next preceding
the election at which they shall offer to vote,