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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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or alley upon condemnation, of property in-
cluded within such streets or alley, as provided
for by the general law of the State; to pro-
vide for the making and repairing of sidewalks
and gutters, and generally to provide for the
regulation, good government and improvement
of said town, and may enforce the observance
thereof under such penalties, fines and for-
feitures as they shall deem proper, not exceed-
ing ten dollars for any one offence; and all
fines, penalties and forfeitures may be recov-
ered before a Justice of the Peace by warrant


and judgment, and in case of failure or refusal
to pay the same, the party so fined shall be
committed for a period not exceeding ten days
to the public Jail of Garrett county in the same
manner that qommitments are made for fines
imposed by the Circuit Courts of this State on
conviction for misdemeanor; but said Mayor
and Common Council, or a majority of them,
shall have power at all times to remit or re-
lease the fines, penalties and forfeitures, or
any part thereof, at their discretion; but any


party fined, or subject to any fine or forfeiture,
may, within five days after the same shall
be imposed and judgment recorded, supersede
or stay the same for thirty days by giving
ample personal security to the Justice of the
Peace, and the fines and forfeitures imposed
and collected by any of the provisions of this
act may be paid by the Mayor and Common
Council to the Bailiff as compensation for his
services, or the said Mayor and Common Coun-
cil may make such other disposition of said
fines and forfeitures as they may deem best.

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said
Mayor and Common Council may provide for
levying and collecting an annual tax of fifty


cents on the owner of every dog, a.nd one dol-
lar on the owner of every bitch within the
said town, and they shall cause to be killed
every dog and bitch whose owner cannot be
ascertained, or whose owner shall refuse to,
pay such tax, or who shall fail to do so within
one month from the time he or she shall be

Dog tax.

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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