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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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and these different terms of office shall be dis-
tributed by lot or otherwise, by the said incor-
porators among themselves at their first meet-
ing as a corporation; and be it further provided,


in case the place of any member of said cor-
poration shall be made vacant by death, resig-
nation, disqualification or otherwise, before the
expiration of his term, it shall be the duty of
the remaining members of the said corpora-
tion, at their first meeting held, at which such
vacancy shall become known, to elect or ap-
point some person — a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church — a member of said corpora-
tion, who shall, however, hold office only for
the unexpired term of the member creating
such vacancy; and provided, further, if the
said Baltimore Annual Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, fail at any an-
nual meeting thereof, to elect members to fill
the vacancies occurring on the first of April '
next following said annual meeting, then the
said corporation, at its next meeting after the
adjournment of said Conference, shall elect
members to fill such vacancies, and the mem-
bers so elected shall hold membership for a
term of three years, the same as though they
had been elected by the said Conference; pro-
vided, however, that the name of each mem-
ber elected by the corporation, as hereinbefore
provided, shall be submitted to the said Con-
ference at the next annual meeting thereof
after such election, and the said Conference
shall have the power to approve such election,
or to remove any member or members so
elected by the said corporation, and to elect
another or others in place thereof; but the
official acts of any such member or members
before removal shall be valid and binding
upon all concerned.

Fill vacancy.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration, under its said corporate name, shall
have power to take and hold by donation, gift,
grant, devise or otherwise, any property, real,
personal or mixed, in the State of Maryland,

To hold prop-

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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