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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 322   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration, and their successors, shall be and are,


hereby authorized and empowered to make
ordain and establish by-laws, regulations and
ordinances, and do everything incident and
needful for the support and due government
of said corporation, and managing the funds
and revenue thereof; provided, the said by-
laws, regulations and ordinances shall not be
repugnant to the Constitution and Laws of the
United States, or of the State of Maryland, or
to the discipline, rules and regulations of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration shall consist of nine persons, and no
more, who shall be members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in good and regular standing,
and at least four of whom shall be members of
the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, and the term of mem-


bership shall continue for three years; such
term to begin on the first day of April next
succeeding the election of the members, as
hereinafter provided, and the Baltimore An-
nual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church shall, at each annual meeting of said
Conference, elect in such mode as to the said
Conference shall seem proper, three new mem-
bers to fill the places of those members whose
terms expire on the first of April following
said meeting of Conference; provided, how-
ever, that the aforesaid members, Lyttleton F.
Morgan, Alexander E. Gibson, David H. Car-
roll, Joseph J. G. Webster, Francis A. Crook,
Henry M. Wilson, J. Berry Turner, George W.
Corner and Philip Darby, shall continue in
office as members as follows: the term of
membership of three of them shall end on the
first day of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-

Expiration of

seven; the term of three others of them shall
end on the first day of April, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-eight; and the term of the
other three of them shall end on the first day
of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine;

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 322   View pdf image (33K)
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