dred and sixteen of the acts of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
SEC. 204. There shall be the following num-
ber of Justices of the Peace and Constables for
Washington county, to be appointed for the
election districts in said county, as follows :
Number one, two Justices of the Peace and two
Constables; number two, three Justices of the
Peace and two Constables; for numbers three,
seventeen, twenty-one and twenty-two consti-
tuting the town of Hagerstown and vicin-
ity, eight Justices of the Peace and six Con-
stables; number four, two Justices of the Peace
and two constables; number five, three Justices
of the Peace and two Constables; number six,
of Justices of
the Peace for
two Justices of the Peace and two Constables ;
number seven, two Justices of the Peace and
two Constables; number eight, two Justices of
the Peace and two Constables; number nine,
two Justices of the Peace and two Constables ;
number ten, two Justices of the Peace and two-
Constables; number eleven, two Justices of the
Peace and two Constables; number twelve, two
Justices of the Peace and two Constables; num-
ber thirteen, two Justices of the Peace and two
Constables; number fourteen, two Justices of
the Peace and two Constables; number fifteen,
two Justices of the Peace and two Constables;
number sixteen, two Justices of the Peace and
two Constables; number eighteen, two Justices
of the Peace and two Constables; number
twenty, two Justices of the Peace and two Con-
stables; number twenty-three, two Justices of
the Peace and two Constables.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 10, 1886.